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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 22, Issue 5, pp. 1193-1489

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The Large Deformation of Nonlinearly Elastic Tubes in Two-Dimensional Flows

Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis and Stuart S. Antman

pp. 1193-1221

The Poisson Equation with Nonautonomous Semilinear Boundary Conditions in Domains with Many Time Holes

Satoshi Kaizu

pp. 1222-1245

On the Newtonian Potential of a Heterogeneous Ellipsoid

Henrik Shahgholian

pp. 1246-1255

Artificial Boundary Conditions for Incompletely Parabolic Perturbations of Hyperbolic Systems

Laurence Halpern

pp. 1256-1283

Admissibility Conditions for Shocks in Conservation Laws that Change Type

Barbara Lee Keyfitz

pp. 1284-1292

Best Possible Upper Bound for Blowup Solutions of the Quasilinear Heat Conduction Equation with Source

Victor A. Galaktionov

pp. 1293-1302

Inverse Problems in Multidimensions

Li-Yeng Sung and A. S. Fokas

pp. 1303-1331

Thermostat Systems Having Stable Periodic Solutions with Short Periods

Gustaf Gripenberg

pp. 1332-1348

Exchange of Stabilities for Flow Along a Concave Wall

Isom H. Herron

pp. 1349-1353

Genealogy and Bifurcation Skeleton for Cycles of the Iterated Two-Extremum Map of the Interval

J. Ringland and M. Schell

pp. 1354-1371

Constructing Symmetric Nonnegative Matrices with Prescribed Eigenvalues by Differential Equations

Moody T. Chu and Kenneth R. Driessel

pp. 1372-1387

Two-Scale Difference Equations. I. Existence and Global Regularity of Solutions

Ingrid Daubechies and Jeffrey C. Lagarias

pp. 1388-1410

Special Functions and Singular Quasilinear Partial Differential Equations

Victor L. Shapiro

pp. 1411-1429

Biorthogonality of a System of Rational Functions with Respect to a Positive Measure on $[ - 1,1]$

Mizan Rahman

pp. 1430-1441

On Asymptotics of Jacobi Polynomials

Li-Chen Chen and Mourad E. H. Ismail

pp. 1442-1449

Hypergeometric Expansions of Heun Polynomials

E. G. Kalnins and W. Miller, Jr.

pp. 1450-1459

Uniform, Exponentially improved, Asymptotic Expansions for the Generalized Exponential Integral

F. W. J. Olver

pp. 1460-1474

Uniform, Exponentially Improved, Asymptotic Expansions for the Confluent Hypergeometric Function and Other Integral Transforms

F. W. J. Olver

pp. 1475-1489